mirror of https://github.com/fluffle/goirc
326 lines
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326 lines
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package client
// this file contains the basic set of event handlers
// to manage tracking an irc connection etc.
import (
// An IRC handler looks like this:
type IRCHandler func(*Conn, *Line)
// AddHandler() adds an event handler for a specific IRC command.
// Handlers are triggered on incoming Lines from the server, with the handler
// "name" being equivalent to Line.Cmd. Read the RFCs for details on what
// replies could come from the server. They'll generally be things like
// "PRIVMSG", "JOIN", etc. but all the numeric replies are left as ascii
// strings of digits like "332" (mainly because I really didn't feel like
// putting massive constant tables in).
func (conn *Conn) AddHandler(name string, f IRCHandler) {
conn.Registry.AddHandler(name, NewHandler(f))
// Wrap f in an anonymous unboxing function
func NewHandler(f IRCHandler) event.Handler {
return event.NewHandler(func(ev ...interface{}) {
f(ev[0].(*Conn), ev[1].(*Line))
// Basic ping/pong handler
func (conn *Conn) h_PING(line *Line) {
conn.Raw("PONG :" + line.Args[0])
// Handler to trigger a "CONNECTED" event on receipt of numeric 001
func (conn *Conn) h_001(line *Line) {
// we're connected!
conn.Dispatcher.Dispatch("connected", conn, line)
// and we're being given our hostname (from the server's perspective)
t := line.Args[len(line.Args)-1]
if idx := strings.LastIndex(t, " "); idx != -1 {
t = t[idx+1:]
if idx = strings.Index(t, "@"); idx != -1 {
conn.Me.Host = t[idx+1:]
// XXX: do we need 005 protocol support message parsing here?
// probably in the future, but I can't quite be arsed yet.
:irc.pl0rt.org 005 GoTest MAXTARGETS=20 WALLCHOPS WATCH=128 WATCHOPTS=A SILENCE=15 MODES=12 CHANTYPES=# PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ CHANMODES=beI,kfL,lj,psmntirRcOAQKVCuzNSMT NETWORK=bb101.net CASEMAPPING=ascii EXTBAN=~,cqnr ELIST=MNUCT :are supported by this server
:irc.pl0rt.org 005 GoTest STATUSMSG=~&@%+ EXCEPTS INVEX :are supported by this server
// Handler to deal with "433 :Nickname already in use"
func (conn *Conn) h_433(line *Line) {
// Args[1] is the new nick we were attempting to acquire
conn.Nick(line.Args[1] + "_")
// if this is happening before we're properly connected (i.e. the nick
// we sent in the initial NICK command is in use) we will not receive
// a NICK message to confirm our change of nick, so ReNick here...
if line.Args[1] == conn.Me.Nick {
conn.Me.ReNick(line.Args[1] + "_")
// Handler NICK messages to inform us about nick changes
func (conn *Conn) h_NICK(line *Line) {
// all nicks should be handled the same way, our own included
if n := conn.GetNick(line.Nick); n != nil {
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.NICK(): unknown nick %s.", line.Nick)
// Handle VERSION requests and CTCP PING
func (conn *Conn) h_CTCP(line *Line) {
if line.Args[0] == "VERSION" {
conn.CtcpReply(line.Nick, "VERSION", "powered by goirc...")
} else if line.Args[0] == "PING" {
conn.CtcpReply(line.Nick, "PING", line.Args[2])
// Handle JOINs to channels to maintain state
func (conn *Conn) h_JOIN(line *Line) {
ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[0])
n := conn.GetNick(line.Nick)
if ch == nil {
// first we've seen of this channel, so should be us joining it
// NOTE this will also take care of n == nil && ch == nil
if n != conn.Me {
logging.Warn("irc.JOIN(): JOIN to unknown channel %s recieved " +
"from (non-me) nick %s", line.Args[0], line.Nick)
ch = conn.NewChannel(line.Args[0])
// since we don't know much about this channel, ask server for info
// we get the channel users automatically in 353 and the channel
// topic in 332 on join, so we just need to get the modes
// sending a WHO for the channel is MUCH more efficient than
// triggering a WHOIS on every nick from the 353 handler
if n == nil {
// this is the first we've seen of this nick
n = conn.NewNick(line.Nick, line.Ident, "", line.Host)
// since we don't know much about this nick, ask server for info
// this takes care of both nick and channel linking \o/
// Handle PARTs from channels to maintain state
func (conn *Conn) h_PART(line *Line) {
ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[0])
n := conn.GetNick(line.Nick)
if ch != nil && n != nil {
if _, ok := ch.Nicks[n]; ok {
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.PART(): nick %s is not on channel %s",
line.Nick, line.Args[0])
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.PART(): PART of channel %s by nick %s",
line.Args[0], line.Nick)
// Handle KICKs from channels to maintain state
func (conn *Conn) h_KICK(line *Line) {
// XXX: this won't handle autorejoining channels on KICK
// it's trivial to do this in a seperate handler...
ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[0])
n := conn.GetNick(line.Args[1])
if ch != nil && n != nil {
if _, ok := ch.Nicks[n]; ok {
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.KICK(): nick %s is not on channel %s",
line.Nick, line.Args[0])
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.KICK(): KICK from channel %s of nick %s",
line.Args[0], line.Args[1])
// Handle other people's QUITs
func (conn *Conn) h_QUIT(line *Line) {
if n := conn.GetNick(line.Nick); n != nil {
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.QUIT(): QUIT from unknown nick %s", line.Nick)
// Handle MODE changes for channels we know about (and our nick personally)
func (conn *Conn) h_MODE(line *Line) {
// channel modes first
if ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[0]); ch != nil {
conn.ParseChannelModes(ch, line.Args[1], line.Args[2:])
} else if n := conn.GetNick(line.Args[0]); n != nil {
// nick mode change, should be us
if n != conn.Me {
logging.Warn("irc.MODE(): recieved MODE %s for (non-me) nick %s",
line.Args[0], n.Nick)
conn.ParseNickModes(n, line.Args[1])
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.MODE(): not sure what to do with MODE %s",
strings.Join(line.Args, " "))
// Handle TOPIC changes for channels
func (conn *Conn) h_TOPIC(line *Line) {
if ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[0]); ch != nil {
ch.Topic = line.Args[1]
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.TOPIC(): topic change on unknown channel %s",
// Handle 311 whois reply
func (conn *Conn) h_311(line *Line) {
if n := conn.GetNick(line.Args[1]); n != nil {
n.Ident = line.Args[2]
n.Host = line.Args[3]
n.Name = line.Args[5]
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.311(): received WHOIS info for unknown nick %s",
// Handle 324 mode reply
func (conn *Conn) h_324(line *Line) {
if ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[1]); ch != nil {
conn.ParseChannelModes(ch, line.Args[2], line.Args[3:])
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.324(): received MODE settings for unknown channel %s",
// Handle 332 topic reply on join to channel
func (conn *Conn) h_332(line *Line) {
if ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[1]); ch != nil {
ch.Topic = line.Args[2]
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.332(): received TOPIC value for unknown channel %s",
// Handle 352 who reply
func (conn *Conn) h_352(line *Line) {
if n := conn.GetNick(line.Args[5]); n != nil {
n.Ident = line.Args[2]
n.Host = line.Args[3]
// XXX: do we care about the actual server the nick is on?
// or the hop count to this server?
// last arg contains "<hop count> <real name>"
a := strings.SplitN(line.Args[len(line.Args)-1], " ", 2)
n.Name = a[1]
if idx := strings.Index(line.Args[6], "*"); idx != -1 {
n.Modes.Oper = true
if idx := strings.Index(line.Args[6], "H"); idx != -1 {
n.Modes.Invisible = true
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.352(): received WHO reply for unknown nick %s",
// Handle 353 names reply
func (conn *Conn) h_353(line *Line) {
if ch := conn.GetChannel(line.Args[2]); ch != nil {
nicks := strings.Split(line.Args[len(line.Args)-1], " ")
for _, nick := range nicks {
// UnrealIRCd's coders are lazy and leave a trailing space
if nick == "" {
switch c := nick[0]; c {
case '~', '&', '@', '%', '+':
nick = nick[1:]
n := conn.GetNick(nick)
if n == nil {
// we don't know this nick yet!
n = conn.NewNick(nick, "", "", "")
if _, ok := ch.Nicks[n]; !ok {
// This nick isn't associated with this channel yet!
p := ch.Nicks[n]
switch c {
case '~':
p.Owner = true
case '&':
p.Admin = true
case '@':
p.Op = true
case '%':
p.HalfOp = true
case '+':
p.Voice = true
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.353(): received NAMES list for unknown channel %s",
// Handle 671 whois reply (nick connected via SSL)
func (conn *Conn) h_671(line *Line) {
if n := conn.GetNick(line.Args[1]); n != nil {
n.Modes.SSL = true
} else {
logging.Warn("irc.671(): received WHOIS SSL info for unknown nick %s",
// sets up the internal event handlers to do useful things with lines
func (conn *Conn) SetupHandlers() {
conn.AddHandler("CTCP", (*Conn).h_CTCP)
conn.AddHandler("JOIN", (*Conn).h_JOIN)
conn.AddHandler("KICK", (*Conn).h_KICK)
conn.AddHandler("MODE", (*Conn).h_MODE)
conn.AddHandler("NICK", (*Conn).h_NICK)
conn.AddHandler("PART", (*Conn).h_PART)
conn.AddHandler("PING", (*Conn).h_PING)
conn.AddHandler("QUIT", (*Conn).h_QUIT)
conn.AddHandler("TOPIC", (*Conn).h_TOPIC)
conn.AddHandler("001", (*Conn).h_001)
conn.AddHandler("311", (*Conn).h_311)
conn.AddHandler("324", (*Conn).h_324)
conn.AddHandler("332", (*Conn).h_332)
conn.AddHandler("352", (*Conn).h_352)
conn.AddHandler("353", (*Conn).h_353)
conn.AddHandler("433", (*Conn).h_433)
conn.AddHandler("671", (*Conn).h_671)