From 379dfddd5b5b47a6b93ae81ed52bd66cb22b6be9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jim teeuwen Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 21:44:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] rewrote loadNonStandardEntities() to use a more reliable token representation for each character: "\uxxxx" notation. --- src/entitymap.go | 506 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 252 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/entitymap.go b/src/entitymap.go index b6a016c..3835aea 100644 --- a/src/entitymap.go +++ b/src/entitymap.go @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ func UTF8ToHtml(token string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("&#%d;", rune); } - /* @@ -49,259 +48,258 @@ func UTF8ToHtml(token string) string { error and abort the parsing. Hence the ability to supply this map. */ func loadNonStandardEntities(em *map[string]string) { - // Generic entities string([]uint8{160}); - (*em)["nbsp"] = " "; - (*em)["iexcl"] = "¡"; - (*em)["cent"] = "¢"; - (*em)["pound"] = "£"; - (*em)["curren"] = "¤"; - (*em)["yen"] = "¥"; - (*em)["brvbar"] = "¦"; - (*em)["sect"] = "§"; - (*em)["uml"] = "¨"; - (*em)["copy"] = "©"; - (*em)["ordf"] = "ª"; - (*em)["laquo"] = "«"; - (*em)["not"] = "¬"; - (*em)["shy"] = "­"; - (*em)["reg"] = "®"; - (*em)["macr"] = "¯"; - (*em)["deg"] = "°"; - (*em)["plusmn"] = "±"; - (*em)["sup"] = "²"; - (*em)["sup"] = "³"; - (*em)["acute"] = "´"; - (*em)["micro"] = "µ"; - (*em)["para"] = "¶"; - (*em)["middot"] = "·"; - (*em)["cedil"] = "¸"; - (*em)["sup"] = "¹"; - (*em)["ordm"] = "º"; - (*em)["raquo"] = "»"; - (*em)["frac14"] = "¼"; - (*em)["frac12"] = "½"; - (*em)["frac34"] = "¾"; - (*em)["iquest"] = "¿"; - (*em)["Agrave"] = "À"; - (*em)["Aacute"] = "Á"; - (*em)["Acirc"] = "Â"; - (*em)["Atilde"] = "Ã"; - (*em)["Auml"] = "Ä"; - (*em)["Aring"] = "Å"; - (*em)["AElig"] = "Æ"; - (*em)["Ccedil"] = "Ç"; - (*em)["Egrave"] = "È"; - (*em)["Eacute"] = "É"; - (*em)["Ecirc"] = "Ê"; - (*em)["Euml"] = "Ë"; - (*em)["Igrave"] = "Ì"; - (*em)["Iacute"] = "Í"; - (*em)["Icirc"] = "Î"; - (*em)["Iuml"] = "Ï"; - (*em)["ETH"] = "Ð"; - (*em)["Ntilde"] = "Ñ"; - (*em)["Ograve"] = "Ò"; - (*em)["Oacute"] = "Ó"; - (*em)["Ocirc"] = "Ô"; - (*em)["Otilde"] = "Õ"; - (*em)["Ouml"] = "Ö"; - (*em)["times"] = "×"; - (*em)["Oslash"] = "Ø"; - (*em)["Ugrave"] = "Ù"; - (*em)["Uacute"] = "Ú"; - (*em)["Ucirc"] = "Û"; - (*em)["Uuml"] = "Ü"; - (*em)["Yacute"] = "Ý"; - (*em)["THORN"] = "Þ"; - (*em)["szlig"] = "ß"; - (*em)["agrave"] = "à"; - (*em)["aacute"] = "á"; - (*em)["acirc"] = "â"; - (*em)["atilde"] = "ã"; - (*em)["auml"] = "ä"; - (*em)["aring"] = "å"; - (*em)["aelig"] = "æ"; - (*em)["ccedil"] = "ç"; - (*em)["egrave"] = "è"; - (*em)["eacute"] = "é"; - (*em)["ecirc"] = "ê"; - (*em)["euml"] = "ë"; - (*em)["igrave"] = "ì"; - (*em)["iacute"] = "í"; - (*em)["icirc"] = "î"; - (*em)["iuml"] = "ï"; - (*em)["eth"] = "ð"; - (*em)["ntilde"] = "ñ"; - (*em)["ograve"] = "ò"; - (*em)["oacute"] = "ó"; - (*em)["ocirc"] = "ô"; - (*em)["otilde"] = "õ"; - (*em)["ouml"] = "ö"; - (*em)["divide"] = "÷"; - (*em)["oslash"] = "ø"; - (*em)["ugrave"] = "ù"; - (*em)["uacute"] = "ú"; - (*em)["ucirc"] = "û"; - (*em)["uuml"] = "ü"; - (*em)["yacute"] = "ý"; - (*em)["thorn"] = "þ"; - (*em)["yuml"] = "ÿ"; - (*em)["fnof"] = "ƒ"; - (*em)["Alpha"] = "Α"; - (*em)["Beta"] = "Β"; - (*em)["Gamma"] = "Γ"; - (*em)["Delta"] = "Δ"; - (*em)["Epsilon"] = "Ε"; - (*em)["Zeta"] = "Ζ"; - (*em)["Eta"] = "Η"; - (*em)["Theta"] = "Θ"; - (*em)["Iota"] = "Ι"; - (*em)["Kappa"] = "Κ"; - (*em)["Lambda"] = "Λ"; - (*em)["Mu"] = "Μ"; - (*em)["Nu"] = "Ν"; - (*em)["Xi"] = "Ξ"; - (*em)["Omicron"] = "Ο"; - (*em)["Pi"] = "Π"; - (*em)["Rho"] = "Ρ"; - (*em)["Sigma"] = "Σ"; - (*em)["Tau"] = "Τ"; - (*em)["Upsilon"] = "Υ"; - (*em)["Phi"] = "Φ"; - (*em)["Chi"] = "Χ"; - (*em)["Psi"] = "Ψ"; - (*em)["Omega"] = "Ω"; - (*em)["alpha"] = "α"; - (*em)["beta"] = "β"; - (*em)["gamma"] = "γ"; - (*em)["delta"] = "δ"; - (*em)["epsilon"] = "ε"; - (*em)["zeta"] = "ζ"; - (*em)["eta"] = "η"; - (*em)["theta"] = "θ"; - (*em)["iota"] = "ι"; - (*em)["kappa"] = "κ"; - (*em)["lambda"] = "λ"; - (*em)["mu"] = "μ"; - (*em)["nu"] = "ν"; - (*em)["xi"] = "ξ"; - (*em)["omicron"] = "ο"; - (*em)["pi"] = "π"; - (*em)["rho"] = "ρ"; - (*em)["sigmaf"] = "ς"; - (*em)["sigma"] = "σ"; - (*em)["tau"] = "τ"; - (*em)["upsilon"] = "υ"; - (*em)["phi"] = "φ"; - (*em)["chi"] = "χ"; - (*em)["psi"] = "ψ"; - (*em)["omega"] = "ω"; - (*em)["thetasym"] = "ϑ"; - (*em)["upsih"] = "ϒ"; - (*em)["piv"] = "ϖ"; - (*em)["bull"] = "•"; - (*em)["hellip"] = "…"; - (*em)["prime"] = "′"; - (*em)["Prime"] = "″"; - (*em)["oline"] = "‾"; - (*em)["frasl"] = "⁄"; - (*em)["weierp"] = "℘"; - (*em)["image"] = "ℑ"; - (*em)["real"] = "ℜ"; - (*em)["trade"] = "™"; - (*em)["alefsym"] = "ℵ"; - (*em)["larr"] = "←"; - (*em)["uarr"] = "↑"; - (*em)["rarr"] = "→"; - (*em)["darr"] = "↓"; - (*em)["harr"] = "↔"; 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