// vi:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:noet:tw=72 // // flokatirc // // Copyright (c) 2015,2016 Andreas Neue package main import ( "crypto/tls" "flag" "fmt" "strings" "time" "git.dnix.de/an/flokatilib/modules" "git.dnix.de/an/xlog" irc "github.com/fluffle/goirc/client" ) var ( usetls = flag.Bool("tls", true, "Use TLS") port = flag.String("port", "6697", "Server port") nsname = flag.String("nsname", "NickServ", "NickServ name") nspass = flag.String("nspass", "", "NickServ password") automsgTo = flag.String("automsg_to", "", "Autosend IRC msg recipient") automsgText = flag.String("automsg_text", "", "Autosend IRC msg text") ) func Irc(say chan string) { //bot := ircx.Classic(*server, *name) cfg := irc.NewConfig(*name) cfg.SSL = *usetls cfg.SSLConfig = &tls.Config{ServerName: *server} cfg.Server = *server + ":" + *port cfg.NewNick = func(n string) string { return n + "^" } cfg.Me.Ident = *name cfg.Me.Name = *name bot := irc.Client(cfg) SetupHandlers(bot, say) go CheckConnection(bot) go Ping(bot) modules.Init(say, *mods) modules.BotNick = strings.ToLower(*name) for { var targets string for { if bot.Connected() { break } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } line := strings.Split(<-say, "\n") xlog.Debug("Say: \"%s\"", line) if len(line) < 2 { continue } if line[0] != "*" { targets = line[0] } else { targets = *channels } for _, tar := range strings.Split(targets, ",") { bot.Privmsg(tar, line[1]) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } } time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) } func SetupHandlers(bot *irc.Conn, say chan string) { xlog.Info("Registering handlers") bot.HandleFunc("001", func(c *irc.Conn, l *irc.Line) { go func(c *irc.Conn, l *irc.Line) { if *nspass != "" { xlog.Info("Authenticating with NickServ: %v, %v", *name, "xxxxxx") bot.Privmsg(*nsname, "IDENTIFY "+*name+" "+*nspass) } if *automsgTo != "" && *automsgText != "" { xlog.Info("Sending automsg ...") bot.Privmsg(*automsgTo, *automsgText) } xlog.Info("Joining channels: %v", *channels) for _, ch := range strings.Split(*channels, ",") { bot.Join(ch) } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) msg := fmt.Sprintf("running on %s", SoftwareInfo()) say <- fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\001ACTION %s\001", "*", msg) }(c, l) }) bot.HandleFunc("PRIVMSG", func(c *irc.Conn, l *irc.Line) { go func(c *irc.Conn, l *irc.Line) { //TODO: implement message handler table HandleMessage(l) modules.HandleMessage(&modules.Message{From: l.Nick, Channel: l.Args[0], Text: l.Text()}) }(c, l) }) } func CheckConnection(bot *irc.Conn) { for { if !bot.Connected() { xlog.Info("Not connected, connecting ...") if err := bot.Connect(); err != nil { xlog.Error("Unable to dial IRC Server: %v", err) } time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) } } func HandleMessage(l *irc.Line) { tok := strings.Split(l.Text(), " ") if len(tok) < 1 { return } switch tok[0] { case "!version": //msg := ctcp.Action(fmt.Sprintf("running on %s", SoftwareInfo())) //sayCh <- fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", "*", msg) //sayCh <- fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", "*", SoftwareInfo()) default: } } func Ping(bot *irc.Conn) { for { time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute) bot.Raw("PING") } }