package conf import ( "os" "io" "bytes" ) // WriteConfigFile saves the configuration representation to a file. // The desired file permissions must be passed as in os.Open. // The header is a string that is saved as a comment in the first line of the file. func (c *ConfigFile) WriteConfigFile(fname string, perm uint32, header string) (err os.Error) { var file *os.File if file, err = os.Create(fname); err != nil { return err } if err = c.Write(file, header); err != nil { return err } return file.Close() } // WriteConfigBytes returns the configuration file. func (c *ConfigFile) WriteConfigBytes(header string) (config []byte) { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) c.Write(buf, header) return buf.Bytes() } // Writes the configuration file to the io.Writer. func (c *ConfigFile) Write(writer io.Writer, header string) (err os.Error) { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if header != "" { if _, err = buf.WriteString("# " + header + "\n"); err != nil { return err } } for section, sectionmap := range { if section == DefaultSection && len(sectionmap) == 0 { continue // skip default section if empty } if _, err = buf.WriteString("[" + section + "]\n"); err != nil { return err } for option, value := range sectionmap { if _, err = buf.WriteString(option + "=" + value + "\n"); err != nil { return err } } if _, err = buf.WriteString("\n"); err != nil { return err } } buf.WriteTo(writer) return nil }